Get Involved

Looking for a way to get plugged in at Emmanuel? We have many ways for you to be involved and not only grow in your faith, but grow closer to other members of our Emmanuel family.

Congregational Support

Each week we need approvimately 75 volunteers to make our services happen! You can be involved as an Usher, Greeter, Lector, Communion Server, Altar Guild, Acolytes and those who would like to lead the Children's Message. Please visit our volunteer page to get involved!

We always have many opportunities to serve at Emmanuel. From seasonal events like Oktoberfestor and  VBS to weekly volunteer positions such as worship team or Sunday school teachers and more, volunteering is a great way to share your gifts with the church and meet new people! To see a list of current volunteer opportunities, visit our volunteer page.  

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Small Groups

Being a part of a weekly Bible study is a great way to stay in God's Word while staying connected with others. We offer an Adult Bible Class each Sunday at 9:00 am and also have Adult Bible studies throughout the week. Check out our Small Groups page for current offerings.

 Ministry Groups

From outreach ministries to Emmanuel ministries, there are lots of groups to join!For a full list of our ministries and contact information, please visit our Ministries page.

Special Events

Throughout the year, we have seasonal large events that wouldn't be possible without our servant-hearted volunteers.  There's always a way to serve at Emmanuel! For a list of upcoming events, click here.