Emmanuel Lutheran Church Announcements

>Small Group
> SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES - 8:30am (TraditionalWorship) & 11:00am (Blended Worship)
> SUNDAY Adult and Children's Sunday Classes - 9:45am (b/w services)
> SUNDAY YOUTH CONFIRMATION CLASS - 9:45am (b/w services in conf. room)
> MID-WEEK CHURCH SERVICE - Every Wednesday 12 -12:30pm.
> Grab & Go FOOD PANTRY - Open the 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Located in the modular, far back church/school parking lot . Just drive on up to recieve your free boxes of food! Interested in volunteering? Call the church office today to find out how you can help! It's a wonderful, fulfilling experience!
> FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON - 3rd Wednesday of every month, after the Noon Church Service in the Narthex.
> WOMEN'S WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP - 1st & 3rd Wednesday of very month @ 1:30pm in Room# 111. For more info, please contact the Kay Thorp (828) 230-4225.
> LINUS BLANKET GROUP - 3rd Tuesday /Month @ 9:30 in the Narthex. Make easy, no-sew blankets for children in crisis. For more info, please contact the church office.
> MEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST - 1st Saturday/Month @ 7:30am at First Watch on Long Schoals Rd. For more info, please contact [email protected].
> WOMEN'S PRAYER GROUP- 3rd Saturday/Month @ 10am in room# 111. For more information, please contact Christi Lorenz, Susan Roby, or the church office.
> VIRTUAL PRAYER SERVICE - 3rd Sunday/Month @ 7:00pm- Led by Scott Hausman and Rev. Art Gillespie. (Click here to join at meeting time)
> PRAYER MINISTRY TEAM- Directly after each 11am Sunday service - This is an "Altar call" service - providing hands on, personalized prayers for the church congregation. Reach out to Pastor Arthur Gillespie and Kathy if interested in joining this team of "praying warriors!"
> Bushwhackers Crew- 3rd Saturday of the month, 8:00 am to noon (March through October). Emmanuel Lutheran volunteers who tend to the yard work on church & school grounds!) Want to help? Contact The Helms or [email protected] for more info
> Pickleball - Every Friday6 pm - 7:30 pm in the gym. Equipment provided. Contact The Helms or [email protected] for more info
2/3 Jon Tron
2/4 Shari Reaves
2/4 Jim Reaves
2/5 Robert Peterson
2/7 Colby Rabon
2/8 Chris Smith
2/8 Wendy Hines
2/9 Douglas Keller
2/9 Scott Hausman
2/11 Stephen Hollar
2/12 Jim Mitchell
2/14 Barbara Clark
2/15 John Tyson
2/15 Vaughn Stinson
2/17 Cody King
2/19 Ron Pepin
2/21 Hannah Gleason
2/24 Isabelle Hempel
2/25 Suzy Whitt
2/25 Barbara Sullivan
2/25 Heather Hodges
2/25 Hiram "Eddie" Gardner
2/25 Melissa Edmiston
2/26 Ashley Maskell
2/27 Cleta McCall
2/29 Abe Allen
2/9 Rich & Amy Bair